Webinar on future fire scenarios and biodiversity

In this event moderated by FirEUrisk coordinator Domingos Viegas, Thomas Hickler from the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre and Goethe University presents an overview of the status and trends in biodiversity as well as major drivers of biodiversity change globally and in Europe, while exploring interactions between climate change, fire and biodiversity in different biomes. He also presents plans to simulate vegetation and fire dynamics in FirEUrisk, and discusses how the models can support policy and stakeholders. Kirsten Thonicke from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research gives an overview of recent findings on future changes in fire along with a summary of fire-enabled dynamic global vegetation models commenting on how research on climate impacts is standardised with climate and land-use scenarios to drive the model simulations and to analyse the multisectorial impacts.