FirEUrisk Demonstration Event: European Territory fire risk
- Critical assessment of the methods developed within the FirEUrisk project for the European Territory.
- Validation or semi-operational test for the summer of 2024.
Organisers: FirEUrisk Project, University of Alcala.
Date: 16th September 2024, from 9:00 to 18:00 CEST time.
Venue: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Area Territoriale della Ricerca Milano 1, Via Alfonso Corti 12, 20133, Milan, Italy. Online participation is also possible.
Target audience: Forest fire related officers from European Commission institutions (DG JRC, DG ECHO, DG ENV, DG RTD, DG CLIMA, etc.). Complementary, national forest fire experts and managers (EGFF Expert Group on Forest Fires), researchers from other EU fire projects.
Topics of the meeting: FirEUrisk risk framework. Human and Natural ignition. Live Fuel Moisture Content. Fuel types and European Fuel Type map. Fire propagation. Exposure to fire. Ecological values affected by fires. Coping Capacity and Recovery time. Ecosystem Services. Fire risk integration and validation. Fire mitigation. Fire adaptation and climate scenarios for Europe. Assessment of fire danger, fire vulnerability and fire mitigation and adaptation components.
Logistics: the event will be hybrid, with preferred in-person attendance. A videconference link will be provided to registered users if they cannot attend in person. The FirEUrisk project will cover costs of lunch and coffee breaks for in-person attendants. A limited number of participants will be provided with financial support to attend the meeting in person (travel and/or accommodation costs); to request this support please fill the corresponding option in the form below.
*by registering to the event you allow us to contact you through your email to confirm your participation and give you additional details of the event. Your email will not be used for other purposes.